Is NLP Training Worth It?

Learning hypnosis might be easier than you think.
Learn Hypnosis

Your brain is a powerful tool and if you know how to use it to its full potential the benefits can make life much more rewarding. If you’re reading this you may be asking yourself “is NLP training worth it? It is the goal of this post to answer that question and many more.

Hypnosis training is not as scary as people make it out to be. Unfortunately, hypnosis is a misunderstood power and with that comes fear. As humans we tend to fear what we don’t understand, so few people have a clear understanding of this underutilized power.

What is Hypnosis

It’s been around for a very long time. In ancient times kings and priests used the power of suggestibility as a divine power. They believed the gods bestowed this power unto them to give them the gift of power over their subjects.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an alternative pseudoscientific approach to communication, self-awareness, and personal development. NLP has been used by many hypnotherapists to help individuals overcome fears and experience personal growth.

As you probably know, they were simply evoking a skill that resides in all of us, if we choose to study and learn it.

If you were to put a formula together for hypnosis it would like something like this; misdirection + belief + outcome/expectation = hypnosis.

Everyone can be hypnotized to some extent. The exact reason why some people are more easily put into this trance is unknown, but it’s obvious it works.

Most people who inquire about the power of suggestibility or hypnosis are interested in overcoming a problem, accomplishing a goal, or are just inquisitive about what it can do for them. It’s not a magical power, but when used correctly it can certainly give you an edge.

An example would be for people trained in body language and microexpression. They tend to have a better read on people. These “leaks” as they’re called can show what a person is really thinking versus what they are saying. Similarly, hypnosis is a tool or learned skill set that will put you in a position of power and knowledge.

Conversational hypnosis is very similar in that it’s a tool you can use to help you open doors you didn’t previously have a key to.

Misbeliefs of Hypnosis

Many of us, when we think of hypnosis, imagine some performer on stage who calls up people from the audience, controls their minds via some kind of covert hypnosis and has them do crazy things like running around onstage and howling at the moon like a wolf—or worse. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

If Hollywood comes to mind movies like The Manchurian Candidate, Office Space, and Shallow Hal arise. These popular tales only muddy the waters and confuse people as to how self-hypnosis and hypnotic induction actually work.

Contrary to popular beliefs and movies you may have seen, you can not be hypnotized against your will. Even after a hypnotic state is achieved, you are aware of all your senses and actions.

Additionally, even if you’re in a hypnotic state, you will not do anything against your ethics, morals or realm of what you would normally do.

The Benefits of Hypnosis

In the clinical world, hypnosis was and is commonly used to treat pain, treat sleeping disorders, and stress management. Some studies show that the power of hypnosis is so effective it can replace medication.

Other benefits include;

Hypnosis downloads are available, and the new skill set will significantly improve your life.
Life Fulfilled
  • better communication skills
  • improved sex life
  • increased self-confidence
  • reduced depression
  • effective pain control
  • and much more

Imagine how much easier your life could be if you had the power of suggestibility or the ability to convince others. Having others agree with you without the usual frustrations and stress is incredibly powerful. Being able to capture the attention and admiration of those whom you deem worthy of regard is an asset that is incomparable. Conversational hypnosis will skyrocket your ability to influence others.

Why Add Hypnosis To Your Skill Set

Motivation, self-discipline, and brain empowerment are arguably the most valuable qualities you can possess. Self-hypnosis is the quickest and easiest road to your personal and professional goals.

Hypnosis is a proven and natural tactic for resolving problems efficiently and easily. You can literally change your life and improve your destiny by simply harnessing the power of hypnosis.

Imagine being able to build instant rapport with strangers, so they’ll open up to you and tell you what they’re really feeling. Professionals use the power of suggestibility to get sales prospects to see things from their perspective and quickly imagine the feeling of owning the presented product or service. Learn what it means when people “talk with their hands” and how you can mimic this to establish trust.

Hypnotherapy Training

If your goal is to learn hypnosis, now is the right time. And I’ll tell you why.

It’s all about suffering and sacrifice. Be sure to read this next part closely.

A year from now you’ll either be able to use this tool and your life will be significantly better…or a year from now you’ll be in the same spot you are now. Either way, you will suffer.

You’ll either suffer because you decided it’s not worth your time right now and a year from now you won’t have achieved your goals or, you’ll suffer because you went through the process of learning.

Learning a new skill is not always easy, and you’ll have to sacrifice another activity in lieu of learning your new skill set. So again, you’ll suffer either way. So suffer in the short-term for a long time gain or suffer in the long-term for a short-term activity.

“Every person has 2 lives, the second one starts when they realize they have just one.”

If watching the newest movie, or partying is more important than so be it. But remember what you’re giving up in the long-term for the short-term activity. It’s up to you!

Where to Get This Kind of Training

The Power of Conversational Hypnosis is a highly recommended program and is considered the best “truth serum” available. I highly urge you to take a look at it and get started on the path to a better more fulfilling life.

The goals of this training include:

  • Get what you want with ease so life becomes a joy instead of a struggle!
  • Boost confidence to effectively communicate in personal, social and professional settings!
  • Capture the attention and admiration of people important to you!
  • Make others agree with you easily without the usual stress and frustration!

What Others are Saying

People that have gone through the entire training are having incredible results. They are shocked at how well the material is working. Here is what some of the customers have said about Conversational Hypnosis…

“I didn’t believe this material would be that good, but it turns out to be a breathtaking course on using hypnosis in everyday conversation.
“I’ve never seen or heard anything this complete, powerful, or convincing.
“I love it.”
Dr. Joe Vitale

“This is a really brilliant way to Master Conversational Hypnosis Skills. The videos are very nicely set up, they teach a skill and show how this can be used in a scenario.

“This really helps you understand key concepts and highly compliments Igor’s Power of Conversational Hypnosis course.

“Being a crash course it over delivers and is an absolutely essential tool to have. BRILLIANT.”

Chiraag Swaly

“As a long time, trained hypnotherapist. I have been thrilled with Igor’s products. They are beyond top notch!

Janeen Rees

Conclusion of Conversational Hypnosis

The Power of Conversational Hypnosis is brand new.

There is nothing like this course anywhere.

I’m dead serious.

And what’s even better for you it’s being released for a limited time as a digital course so you’ll be able to access it immediately.

  • It comes with 16 Full CDs (as MP3s)
  • The Full Transcripts + Manual (620+ Pages)
  • The How To Master Conversational Hypnosis Cheat Sheets
  • The How To Destroy Resistance With Stories Cheat Sheets

The site is live right now and the full digital version is available for over 3 times LESS than the physical version!

To get started click on Conversational Hypnosis to change your life.

Best Regards!