Numerology Love Compatibility| How To Know If They Are The One?

A question posed: how to know if they are the one?

There are many sources of happiness. The most important source of happiness is being happy with yourself. If you are not happy with who you are, your numerology love compatibility is of no benefit if you. Why you might ask. If you can’t be happy with who you are, no one else will be happy with you either.

Once you’ve discovered happiness within yourself, it’s time to find another big source of happiness…your true love. Your significant other or partner is who you will spend the rest of your life with. It’s crucial to the relationship that your life path number is a match.

The life path number will lead to a smoother relationship if they are natural and compatible. It means that you and your loved one are on the same path. This meeting of the minds significantly reduces conflict and helps you and your partner see eye to eye on serious issues.

On the other hand, if they are not a match, it’s not a deal-breaker at all, but it will help you see how they are thinking. Challenge numbers within the relationship need to be aware that their love can work, but it might not come as easy as you would like.

Now that you have a basic understanding of what the life path numbers are and numerology, I’m going to dive deeper and show how love interacts with each number.

The Numbers

See how numerology affects your love life. How To Know If They Are The One?
Numerology Life Path

Life Path 1 in Love

This person will welcome a partner who will cheer them on as they navigate the career field. It’s even better if two people can find work they both get a challenge from and cheer each other on as life continues. The life path 1 strives to be the best they can be, and if your down and out, they will encourage you to get back up. They will remind you that for every time you fall, you need to get back up. The saying “never give up” rings true in their soul. You will never be short on support when a 1 believes in you.

When it comes to love and romance, if you praise the 1, it provides them the reassurance they are doing their best. They can run hot and cold when it comes to intimacy. If they don’t want a relationship to continue, they can completely shut you out, but if they want it to happen, watch out baby! This on/off switch is attributed to their temper. A 1 can easily feed off their emotions, and this is a point of weakness. When a person operates on their emotions the brain can quickly shut down, and operating without the brain can lead to disaster.

Bottom line is, they want the best for their partner and they want them to be as successful as they want themselves to be successful. Natural life path number matches are 1, 5 and 7. Compatible numbers are 2, 3, and 9. Challenge numbers are 4 and 6. The neutral number is 8.

Life Path 2 in Love

When it comes to relationships, a life path 2 is as easy as a Sunday morning. They are someone you can count on, they have a tendency to keep the peace. If you have two people arguing, they would be the mediator you could call in to calm everyone. Unless they are matched with a challenge number, they can naturally get along with all.

Numerology and love are keys to life long happiness. How to know if they are the one is difficult.
How To Know If They Are The One

When it comes to relationships they are always looking at the bright side of life or the positives. They really don’t want to fight, and they have a natural instinct to know when things are escalating. To prevent things from getting too heated they can smoothly calm any situation. This intuition makes for a great parent as well.

A negative aspect of a 2 is they have a tendency to feel miserable or partially responsible when others are down. The 2 must realize they can’t control everything as it could spiral a relationship downward. If you are in love with a life path 2, be careful not to take advantage of their kindness and generosity. Intimacy for a 2 can be tricky. If they come across as distant or lacking sexual desire, this doesn’t stem from their life path number, but from elsewhere. On the flip side, it’s in their nature to be giving, so don’t be surprised that they have a strong desire to provide what is asked of them.

Bottom line is they just want everybody to get along, and they will do more than their fair share to make this happen. Natural life path number matches are 2, 4, and 8. Compatible numbers are 1, 3, 6, and 9. Challenge numbers are 5 and 7.

Life Path 3 in Love

When in a relationship with a life path 3 you’ll feel vibrant and full of passion. A 3 has the ability to communicate what they are thinking and feeling. They tend to wear their emotions on their sleeve, so you’ll know how they are feeling about the relationship. A 3 loves to laugh and loves to find the lighter side of things. Taking life too seriously will never be a problem with a 3. Keep this in mind if they become infatuated with an actor, performer, business magnate, or political figure. They’ll hang on every word they say, but it’s just a phase, don’t put any weight in their fantasy.

When it comes to love, they are very loyal and want to make it last. A trigger they tend to have is, they need reassurance that their partner loves them dearly. They want to make it last, but they don’t want to think they are putting in all the work in the relationship. If you’re in love with a 3, remind them that they are the one and only in your life. Open communication is key to making love last through eternity.

Bottom line is a life path 3 needs little reminders that you’re in it for the long haul. A small gift of flowers or a thoughtful gift will do wonders for your relationship. They will be eternally grateful and will enjoy doing something special for their partner. Natural life path numbers are 3, 6, and 9. Compatible numbers are 1, 2, and 5. Challenge numbers are 4, 7, and 8.

Life Path 4 in Love

When a life path 4 is in a relationship, respect is a big value in making it last. A 4 takes pride in doing a good job in their career, taking care of loved ones, and carrying their own weight. It’s imperative their partner be aware and provide gratefulness to a 4 for doing all this. A 4 tends to be direct, and will not beat around the bush. They will more often than not tell you how they feel and reasoning for what they are thinking. Doing this can be offensive to their partners, and are constantly struggling with expressing themselves without coming across as dominant. While living with a 4 be sure to pick up after yourself, as this will ensure a smooth relationship. A 4 likes their surroundings to be a certain way, items put back where they were originally, and don’t approve of sloppiness.

Numerology 4 life path.
4 Life Path

When it comes to intimacy with a 4, they need to feel comfortable and have a clear mind. If there are dirty socks on the ground or dishes in the sink, this will all distract from the moment, and thus might prevent the moment from even happening. This is bad news for both people. Another benefit of being with a 4 is they don’t really like dating. They really want their relationship to work, since they don’t enjoy “playing the dating game.”

Bottom line is, a 4 is loyal, likes to keep their house in order and welcomes input from their partner. Natural match numbers are 2, 4, and 8. Compatible numbers are 6 and 7. Challenge numbers are 1, 3, 5, and 9.

Life Path 5 in Love

Being in a relationship with a life path 5 is a bit of a mask or shell game. They will exude this notion of being free. This means being free from others, children, and even responsibilities. However, when they are laying in bed and thoughts about life tend to kick in, what they really want is somebody to share their life with. This isn’t to mean they are intentionally trying to mislead people, but find themselves being pulled in opposite directions. Most people can relate to this, and it’s important for a partner to understand this. If you’re married to a 5 and have kids, it’s all good. It will be important to give them space. They will love you and the kids with all their heart, but to inform them to take some time for themselves will make the love last. A few days away from the family will show a 5 just how important the family is to them.

If you’re in the beginning stages of a relationship with a 5, and they constantly tell you they have no intentions of being married or want kids. It’s time to check the pulse of the love connection to see if they are one of the few 5’s that just can’t handle the commitment.

Bottom line is, a 5 enjoys their independence and if you try to tell them what to think, how to act, or what to do, they will leave you faster than any other life number. Natural match numbers are 1, 5, and 7. Compatible numbers are 3 and 09. Challenge numbers are 2, 4 and 6 with 8 being neutral.

Life Path 6 in Love

If you’re attached to a life path 6 it’s important to know they will ask for help from you and others. They have a difficult time with trust. A 6 needs to take their destiny into their own hands, as they find it difficult to trust others to put them where they want to be. They are good at damage control and would succeed as a business owner. Being with a 6 it’s important to mitigate any criticism. A 6 already has an intense dialogue in their head, and if their mate is interjecting with what could be perceived as negative comments, it can quickly escalate out of control.

Partners of a 6 will realize they want to please their partner, but when it comes time to return the favor, communication is key. Both people need to be very verbal about what each wants. Lack of communication can cause a 6 to shut down sexually. To keep the love alive, learn to speak in intimate terms with a 6.

The 6 life path can be very intimate. Open communication is key.
6 Life Path

Bottom line is a 6 is at their best when chaos ensues. As a partner encourage them to find an outlet for their creativity and provide verbal support to them, and they will know you have faith in them. Natural numbers are 3, 6, and 9. Compatible numbers are 2, 4 and 8. Challenge numbers are 1, 5, and 7.

Life Path 7 in Love

A life path 7 will search for the answers to the big questions in life until they feel fulfilled in their spirit. They have a thirst for knowledge and will enjoy reading, doing puzzles, or exploring aspects of life they are inquisitive about. Until these spiritual questions are answered they will constantly seek out. When they find the reason for their existence this thirst will subside a bit, but a 7 will constantly struggle with unanswered questions.

If you’re together with a 7, and they have those big questions answered for themselves a 7 is very loving. Still, there will be times when they have to scratch that itch of discovering more to life, and this can make living with them stressful. When they finally realize that the greatest happiness comes from within, and they acknowledge this, they are a gift from the stars.

Being with a 7 can be comforting for those that enjoy listening to others and hearing how they think. The inner workings of a person’s brain can be intriguing and a 7 will find comfort in sharing their knowledge and experiences. Being in nature, scenic mountain views, and sitting on the edge of pristine lakes will calm the soul of a 7.

Bottom line is intimacy with a 7 is vivid. There can be a difference between having sex and making love. A 7 will make love once their soul is at ease. If a 7 is lost in thought it will be up to the partner to bring them back to the moment. Once a 7 is content with their career, place in life, the relationship will bloom. Natural match numbers are 1, 5 and 7. The Compatible number is 4. The challenge numbers are 2, 3, 6, 8, and 9.

Life Path 8 in Love

If you’re in a relationship with a life path 8, you’ll need to understand the importance of finances with them. The 8 is a balancing number, but there are two sides to this balance. Half of the 8’s are very conscious about saving their money and rushing to the bank to keep it safe. The other half of 8’s like material possessions and will do what it takes to keep up with the neighbors. In essence, they will spend themselves rich. The first half of the 8 almost looks down at those that have money and spend it unwisely. The materialistic version of 8’s have a sense of how they want others to perceive them, so aesthetics are important to them. If you’re a partner to a life path 8, this is one of the first things you need to learn about them.

When you go out with an 8, you want to look your best and dress the part. Again, looks and body type are important to 8’s. Do your best to make that extra little effort. If you have their approval they will proudly show you off as their partner. This will role over to the bedroom as well. Intimacy with an 8 that is heavily attracted to their partner will show their love in the bedroom. Intense and lustful relations are common, so be ready for the intensity between the sheets.

Bottom line is, you’ll need to see which 8 you’re partnered up with. Most 8’s can be very opinionated, and this is something both partners will need to address to make the relationship work. Natural match numbers are 2, 4 and 8. The compatible number is 6. Challenge numbers are 3, 7, and 9. The neutral numbers are 1 and 5.

Life Path 9 in Love

A life path 9 carries a lot of wisdom and charm. This charisma is very appealing so it’s not uncommon for them to be chased by many suitors. That being said, they can still be insecure about their mind and aptitude. It’s important in a relationship with a 9, that both people are equal. While a 9 seems to have it all together, it can be a burden to constantly put on a pedestal. Others view them as intellectual and are always seeking answers from them, and this wears on them.

A 9 life path is the keeper of the wisdom, however don't put them on a pedestal as the burden can be great.
9 Life Path

If you’re dating a 9 it’s important to ask them about their wants and desires. It’s not easy for someone who’s perceived as smart to ask for help, so their partners need to draw this out of them. If this communication is not open and constant, there may come a morning when 9 will simply leave. A life path 9 goes through life in a serious manner, so any partner needs to remind them that sometimes in life you need to be silly or have fun. Remind them it’s okay to smile, laugh and have fun.

If a 9 has children they are incredible parents. They have a natural inclination to raise them correctly and will make any corrections their own parents made. On a rare occasion, a 9 will need to be reminded they are just kids and will not be perfect.

The bottom line, life path 9 will help a lot of people. As a partner to a 9, you’ll be grateful you found such a wonderful and giving person. They are intelligent, problem solvers, and will whatever’s in their power to help their partner and mankind. Natural numbers are 3, 6 and 9. Compatible numbers are 1, 2, and 5. Challenge numbers are 4, 7, and 8.

Conclusion of How To Know If They Are They One

If you feel like you’re a little lost, or unsure of the direction your life is heading, I hope this provides some answers and insight. A loving relationship can be one of the most rewarding experiences and every little bit can help. If you have more specific questions about love life, financial stability, career path, and friends/family there are resources available.

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