Numerology 22, A Master Number

In numerology, all of the calculations are dwindled down to one number. For example, if you are finding your life path number and it adds up to 35, then it becomes 3+5=8. However, with a life path number of 22 or numerology 22, this is called a master number. Having a master number as your …

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Angel Number 811 and Love

As mentioned in my other blogs, the meaning of seeing repetitive numbers like angel number 811 is not something to be dismissed. The appearance or seeing the same number multiple times is not a coincidence, but communication via angels or other deities. Seeing the angel numbers could be passed off as meaningless or insignificant unless …

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Angel Numbers 311 & You

When we talk and communicate with the angels, they can respond back to us in mysterious ways. Sometimes the message might be a little more direct and sometimes it might be presented to you in a roundabout way, but never the less, the angel numbers 311 are of great importance. Guidance from the angels can …

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