Best Numerology Reading For Free| Meaning Of Numbers

Why is that your drawn towards certain numbers? Some numbers seem to reach out to you, while other numbers have this sort of yucky feel towards them. Maybe you constantly see the same numbers every time you turn around, or maybe you see patterns consistently. Is this a coincidence or is there something more to it? Click the link at the bottom to get your FREE numerology reading online when you’re finished!

Free psychic reading at the end might be the solution you're looking for. Best numerology reading for free

Numerology is the study of numbers and their significance in your life. If you’re familiar with astrology this definition may look familiar to you. Astrology also provides insight into your life via a different method. With numerology, the information is via numbers.

Numerology is the idea that the universe is made up of numbers, and understanding these numbers can help us better understand ourselves and those around us. With this clear understanding, we can better fulfill what life has in store for us. Understanding these numbers and their individual meanings to us is like having a lighted pathway in dark. Wondering around aimlessly in the dark is difficult and tiresome. But a little illumination can go a long way in directing us and keeping us on that path. Once you have a basic understanding of the numbers 0-9, it’s pretty easy to see how they affect your life and you can begin to apply your new knowledge.

Numbers don’t lie. This is why math is such a universal language. There’s comfort in math. Adding 2+2 will always equal 4…every time, no matter if your counting seconds, items, people, sports betting or anything. You will get the same result, there’s no ambiguity.

History of Numerology

The simplest psychic readings might be the best guidance you could ever receive.
History Of Numerology

The exact time and origin of numerology are debatable but it’s widely held that Pythagoras was the founder. Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher and founder of Pythagoreanism. Since there is little record of his life, historians don’t know much about him other than what was written about him hundreds of years after his death. He was a predominant influencer of other notable philosophers like Plato and Aristotle.

It’s also believed that he held that the planets rotate or move according to distinct mathematical equations and in doing so, produce an inaudible vibration or overture. He is credited with the famous Pythagorean theorem and other theories. There’s no doubt of his brilliance and intellect.

“Number is the ruler of forms and ideas and the cause of gods and daemons.” – Pythagoras

Since numerology was theorized it has obviously become much more mainstream and is used by many today. Some believe that all the universe is made up of numbers and that everything can be diluted down to a numerical value. Letters can correspond with numbers, numerical patterns can emerge, and life’s mysterious can all be solved with numbers.

How Numerology Works

Different numerologist uses different numerology systems. Numbers are commonly put into categories and letters can also have numerical values too. Numbers are also commonly associated with different traits. These traits are more aligned with what the universe has in store for you. Since we are all made of stardust, these numbers comprise that stardust, that makes us who we are.

Each number of 0-9 has a different attribute or meaning connected to it.

The Numbers for Numerology

A numerology name calculator will give you insight into what life has in store for you.
Your Destiny Number

Meaning of 0 – the number 0 signifies empty or void. Zero is represented by the universe, it’s a basis of where we all start. Totality.

Meaning of 1 – life path 1 signifies independence, strength, comfort in oneself. It also signifies determination and ambition. Ones are very career-driven and will make sacrifices to achieve their goals. They tend to have an air of confidence as they want to be successful, appreciated and highly valued. They try to multitask and get as much done in a short period of time as possible. Since 1 represents firsts, you will do whatever is in your power to be number one. You will have an internal competitive drive and you’ll set high standards for yourself. You have the ability to think outside the box and will find creative solutions to problems or obstacles you’re faced with.

Meaning of 2 – life path 2 signifies peace and tranquility. It also represents a more feminine quality, so this number coincides with caring, understanding, communication, and mediation. Twos tend to be easy to get along with and are very relationship-based. They make friends very easily and value tranquility, harmony, and love. Rarely are they aggressive unless seriously provoked. You’re a natural mediator and can easily see two sides of each situation. You love relationships. These can vary from intimate partner relationships to friends or coworker relationships.

Meaning of 3 – life path 3 signifies a tremendous amount of creativity and willingness to try new things. Threes tend to be very social, are open to new relationships and tend to enjoy the present. They usually stand out and carry a warm face and warm smile. They commonly give compliments to others, and if they get upset, it’s a short-lived feeling. You enjoy expression and emotion. You love to inspire others and remind them of their good qualities. You would serve as an excellent counselor or social worker. Putting people at ease and making them feel comfortable is a skill you exceed at.

Meaning of 4 – life path 4 signifies full circle and order. Fours tend to have an uncanny ability to complete a process or project. Once they start a course, they see it all way through the end. They are serious-minded and can be sensitive. Not so much emotional but sensitive. They want to be the best they can be and will pride themselves on doing a solid job. You are grounded, as in the four elements or four seasons, so it’s important to you to build relationships, families, even structures. You enjoy being a master of your domain and sharing your knowledge for the good of the community. Your honesty is the backbone of your communications and you expect others to treat you with respect and honesty.

Meaning of 5 – life path 5 signifies wide open or untethered. Fives are not afraid to try new things or adventures. Five’s are likely to change careers more often and are fully aware of their surroundings (as in using the 5 senses). They can be a ball of energy and do what they can to feel alive. The intensity in their eyes shines through, and are constantly trying to keep up with the thoughts in their head. You are a bit of a thrill-seeker or adventure enthusiast. People are constantly seeking you out in social functions, as you are very well-liked by your peers and friends. You like to experience all that life has to offer, and love to share tales of your travels and voyages.

Meaning of 6 – life path 6 signifies big hearts or caring. Sixes are very in tune with other people, animals, and beings. Obviously, they have strong sixth-sense skills and are well adept at reading people. They also take pride in themselves but particularly their appearance. They tend to be fairly magnetic in that people tend to gravitate towards them. This could be a side effect of being well-presented, but it also a mixture of their dynamic energy. Some would say that you have a psychic aptitude and are highly intuitive. You can sense people energies or auras, which makes you easy to connect with.

Meaning of 7 – life path 7 signifies wishful, hopeful, and mindful. Sevens are great at seeing the big picture, tend to be philosophical and spiritual. They can be difficult to get to know as they are always observing and learning about others. They are very much a “two ears and one mouth” personality. They can be intriguing because they have an air of mystery to them. You would do well in a research field or as a professor. You require a larger than normal amount of alone time and introspection. If you’re not meditating already, you should start immediately. You have an uncanny ability to pour all your energy into a project without distraction.

Meaning of 8 – life path 8 signifies abundance, financial well-being, and strong convictions. Eights know the meaning of shouldering responsibility and reaping the fruits of their labor. The forty-hour workweek is not applicable to eights. They wear their opinions on their sleeves and will debate you til the end. They will be direct and blunt vs beating around the bush. The physical attributes are the highest in regards to all the other numbers. You are strong both physically and emotionally. You have the ability to make a great deal of money in your lifetime. You will invest wisely and will use your financial bounties to benefit the common good.

Meaning of 9 – life path 9 signifies equality, justice and maintaining order. Nines have the highest integrity of all the numbers and are therefore the most dependable for friendships. They tend to have a lot of wisdom and can be wise beyond their years. Instinctively, people come to them for answers. You have the ability to learn quickly and consume a large amount of information. You have a strong connection to your subconscious and into other’s psyche. Your ability to make complex information watered down so others can understand it is highly valued.

Numerology purports to tell the future, show a path, explain or predict an outcome by figuring out each individual’s number. Not so much like a fortune but more like a guided path with the least resistance. The path will feel inherent like you were made to do this.

“Numbers are the highest degree of knowledge. It is knowledge itself.” – Plato

There are several different methods for calculating your number, but the most common method is the straightforward or Pythagorean Number method of allocating a number to letter.

Numerology is the study of how your numbers affect your life.

So here is how you would translate and calculate your birth name (sometimes called your destiny number or power name number) to a number. For the name Thomas Allen Smith, it would translate to…

2+8+6+4+1+1(Thomas) = 22

1+3+3+5+5 (Allen) = 17

1+4+9+2+8(Smith) = 24

Finally, 24+17+22 = 63 This is broken down to 6+3=9

Life Path Number

Another strong indicator of what life has in store for you is your life path number. It reveals your life’s purpose, including hidden talents, subconscious drivers, and how you let emotion influence you.

The life path number will help you gain a better understanding of your cosmic plan. It will provide you with your building block traits that will guide you through your life journey.

This number is established from the date you were born. For a birth date of July 17th, 1976 it would break down to… 7 (the seventh month of the year) plus the day (17) +1976 = 2000. Then add all the individual numbers in the year so 2+0+0+0 = 2. Keep in mind the life path number is the most important number when it comes to compatibility or choosing a partner for life. But we’ll get to love matching with another blog.

Get Some Answers

There’s no doubt that life can be hard. Often times it can be unfair, confusing, without direction, and nothing but questions can plague your mind. Do you have trouble knowing what your next steps should be or which direction to take once you come to a fork in the road? Some people can make a decision and roll with it at the drop of hat. Others can weigh their options endlessly, and almost need somebody to make the decision for them. Is this you?

Weighing the pros and cons is a strong method for making decisions, but it can lead to analysis paralysis. This is when you get so caught up in weighing all the options you basically get overwhelmed and give up. This too might sound familiar. It’s frustrating, it takes a lot of time, and you don’t seem to get anywhere.

With your own personalized numerology results, you can better understand who you are, get a clearer picture of when to answer “yes” or when to decline. You will get a better grasp on what the future has set for you and what is destined for you. Sometimes all we need is just a hint, clue, or suggestion on what actions to take.

Summary of FAQ

What is numerology?

Numerology is defined as unexplained relationships between events and numbers pertaining to your life.

What is a life path number?

Unlike any of the numerous personality quizzes you may take, the life path number is a deeply meaningful number describing who you are as a person, what you truly value, and what innate competencies you have within you.

What can a psychic tell you?

A psychic can’t always tell you the future, but they can offer guidance. They can open a window into your subconscious that can showcase truths that intellect can’t always explain. Like numerology, somethings just can’t be explained.

The Best Numerology Reading For Free Here

It may seem obvious, but you want to make sure you really want to know the answers to your questions. To see what life has set for you, get your FREE personalized numerology reading today. Don’t wait another day trying to figure out what you should be doing with your life. Get started on the path meant for you now!

Comment below on how your life path number has helped you!


3 thoughts on “Best Numerology Reading For Free| Meaning Of Numbers”

  1. Christine, thankyou for the article. After reading this, I feel like some dots have connected. The lifepath information makes total sense after reflecting on it. The free reading was a little disappointing but insightful.

  2. Pingback: What Does Angel Number 2112 Mean? -

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