Angel Numbers 1155 & Their Meaning For You

According to numerologist angel numbers represent something more divine and honestly more complex compared to regular whole numbers 0-9. Seeing angel numbers 1155 in your everyday life is not to be ignored or to undervalued. Angel number 1155 indicates that new beginnings are on the horizon for you, on the condition that you take control of your life.

Fearing the unknown is a completely normal emotion, but the divine realm wants you to remain positive and optimistic.

Angel Numbers 1155 is a sign from the universe that you're on the right path. The angel number 1155 and love is filled with greatness.

Everybody feels lost from time to time. It’s natural to wonder what your future holds, and it’s natural to wonder what are you meant to do and who you are meant to be. Life can be difficult but if you keep your eyes open, you can get the help you’re looking for.

Like most divine guides, angels can work and guide in mysterious ways. To better understand the angel number 1155 we must first explain master numbers.

Master numbers are double-digit numbers containing the same number. For example 11, 22,33 are considered master numbers. People that have life path or destiny master numbers are said to carry the potential to have above-average intelligence, spirituality or higher than normal cognitive abilities.

“When a number sequence begins appearing to you, ask your angels to clearly tell you what they are trying to convey to you.”

If you have a master number in you, you should embrace it because it has significant importance in your life. Understanding master numbers and what their effect could have on you could mean the difference between an ordinary life, and a life with an extreme impact on you and those around you.

Purpose Of Angel Numbers

Angel numbers are guiding numbers that are sure to point you in the right direction.
Angel Numbers 1155

Have you ever been to a quiet place, maybe at home, or in a small room, perhaps a small section of a library and had the sense that you’re not alone?

You may look around to see if you see anybody, you might listen carefully for any sounds, or purposefully heighten your senses to any change. Numerologists and others believe it’s likely the presence of angels guiding you to your destiny.

While this feeling may make you nervous you need to take comfort that you’re been guided to fulfill your life’s purpose. Just like having a mentor or coach, be confident that you’re pursuing a meaningful life.

They are there to ensure you are on the right path. They are here to help us on our journey through life and to make sure we are reaching our full potential.

Seeing 1155 number means that you are ready to take on new challenges that will put you to the test and lead you to a life of happiness and fulfillment.

“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” Nikola Tesla

Meaning of 1155 Angel Number

In order to understand these angel numbers presented to us, we need to understand the meaning of the numbers 1 and 5.

Angel number 1155 is comprised of angel number 1 and 5.

The number 1 signifies independence, strength, comfort in oneself. It also signifies determination and ambition. Ones are very career-driven and will make sacrifices to achieve their goals.

The number 1 is associated with creating your own future or reality. It about taking charge of your life, and not waiting for others. Motivation can be internal or external and ones can an incredible amount of internal drive. Outside factors like money and power can be heavy external factors, but accomplishing career goals, for the sake of accomplishment rings true.

Angel Number 5 has special meaning for those looking to expand beyond their comfort zone.

The number 5 signifies wide open or untethered. Fives are not afraid to try new things or adventures. Five’s are likely to change careers more often and are fully aware of their surroundings (as in using the 5 senses).

With these changes, you are learning constantly. New experiences bring a deeper depth and meaning to you. New people introduced into your life are there to expand your wisdom and knowledge.

More Meaning & Significance of 1155 Angel Number

When these numbers are combined for 1155 their individual attributes are accentuated. It’s for this reason that special attention or consciousness must be noted when these numbers present themselves.

It’s easy to follow in the footsteps of others but don’t be afraid to choose an alternate path.

Forging out on your own will be an incredible learning experience. The more you know about yourself the better off you are. If you feel like you’re living your life by the wants and needs of somebody else, you’ll never be happy and you won’t feel content or satisfied.

If you decide to walk in the same path as someone before you, make sure that you’re doing it for the right reasons. Don’t do it because it’s the path of least resistance, and you don’t want to do anything hard. This is a short-term objective and in the long run you’ll regret it.

If you’ve ever had to work hard for something you know that feeling of accomplishment. Nothing can replace that feeling of achieving a goal on your own accord.

If you have thoughts and ideas that will lead you to happiness, pursue them. This doesn’t mean you have to jump in with both feet, but do your due diligence and learn about it. You might discover it’s exactly what you want, or you might learn it’s not. But at least you’ll know.

Angel Number 1155 and Love

Of course, you want to know what this number means for your love life or relationships. If you’re seeing 1155 angel numbers and are thinking about your current relationship it’s a sign you need to think about what you really want. Some angel numbers signify the end of a relationship (or friendship sometimes) but 1155 is NOT one of those numbers.

It simply means you need to figure your what’s important to you. The better you know yourself the more open you are to love.

And any disagreements or arguments you may be having are likely smaller than you think. We have a tendency to make a mountain out of a molehill, and this concept is important.

Be true to yourself and make any changes that will rid your life of any toxic surroundings, opening yourself up to better opportunities and relationships. Any partner worth their salt will standby your side in your decision to make your life a better life.

Misery loves company, and that is a toxic environment. Be the bigger person and pursue what’s best for you, and don’t look back. Surrounding yourself with positive and optimistic people will rub off on you.

Angel Number 1155 Significance

If you see these numbers in paper receipts (especially in travel), flight numbers, license plates, billboards know that you are on the correct path and to be brave in your endeavors. Rest assured that angels are guiding you down this path for a reason.

Education and wisdom come in easy and hard forms, so don’t shy away from your path. If you had multiple options and are seeing the angel numbers 1155 in your path, know that you have chosen the correct path.

It may not seem like it but living beyond your comfort zone is the only way you’ll grow. If you’re not constantly pushing yourself to be better, to learn more, to take on more responsibility, it will be difficult to live a meaningful life.

When you see an obstacle in front of you, don’t turn around or be afraid. Take it head-on, because these obstacles are what define you as a human. Think back to when you were a child.

The thrill of going higher on the swing, faster on the bike, or farther away from home, you’re expanding your horizons. And getting out of your comfort zone is a good thing. The 1155 angel number signifies that it’s okay to be uncomfortable.

Dare to be great, and reach out into the unknown.

What Does Angel Number 1155 Need?

As an 1155 angel number, you need adventure. Adventure gives you the opportunity to keep your cool under pressure. Adventure tends to have obstacles that you can’t plan for and can give you the opportunity to roll with the punches. Getting better at dealing with obstacles can be a tool that is good in your personal life as well as your professional life.

“We must take adventures in order to know where we truly belong!”

Adventure is good for your mind and your body. People who venture out have more activity in their prefrontal cortex compared to those that don’t venture out. Growing your brain and overcoming hurdles on a more consistent basis will encourage you to reach you beyond your comfort zone. True growth happens once you leave your comfort zone, so adventures will help you grow. Your guardian angels are watching over you so they will provide a path for you to venture out.

Finally, adventure will give you perspective. It’s easy to lose perspective on life when you’re constantly head down into the wind. Seeing new situations and meeting new people can give you a new appreciation of your life. You can distant yourself from any current situations that are causing you concern and take a fresh look at things around you.

What To Do With 1155 Angel Numbers

Going forward you need to be aware of your surroundings and your train of thought when you see 1155 in the future. Note down if you are having positive and optimistic thoughts, or if you’re experiencing pessimism.

Thoughts of pessimism will never get you anywhere, so this will need to be corrected if that is the case.

The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry.”

The number 1155 has the master number 11 in it. This number brings high intuition and gut feelings. The number 11 is a sign of enormous power and strength. It’s the basis of all the master numbers and should be respected for all it can do. With the number 11 comprising half of the 1155 angel number, it’s a sign that you’re wise beyond your years.

Be open to new beginnings. Isn’t it exciting to think about what can happen when you’re standing at the beginning of something brand new? The feelings of trepidation can help or hinder you depending on how you handle change. Sometimes change can come at us unexpectedly, but your guardian angels are watching over you, to ensure you’re on the path you’re meant for.

Remember when you start a new beginning, you have a library of knowledge, experience, and knowledge to draw from. You’re not a blank slate, so be optimistic about changes and new beginnings.

New beginnings provide growth, and growth can be hard. Personal growth and development provide us with both the incentive and the means to become the best possible version of ourselves. 

As our world expands, so does our awareness of the possibilities and opportunities around us each and every day. This possibility mindset fills us with an attitude of eager anticipation as we start each new day. Working on personal growth is quite easy and starts with the smallest of choices.

Choose to do something kind for yourself and/or someone else. Watch the reactions and notice how it makes you feel.

Summary of Angel Numbers 1155 FAQ

What does 1155 number mean?

The bottom line of this number means that your guarding angels are trying to guide you on a new path. Not because you’re on the incorrect path, but because you could thrive in creating your own path. Following in the footsteps of others might not be in your best interest.

What does it mean for love?

Before you know what you want from somebody else, you need to first know who you are, and what you truly want. Be true to yourself, don’t kid yourself and get rid of any toxic relationships so you’re open to new ones.

What does 1155 need?

When you see angel numbers 1155, you need adventure. Adventure is good for the mind and the body. New experiences and new memories will make you feel better and pursue your goals with more vigor.

What should you do when you see 1155?

Have an open mind-set. Growth is good for you, and recognize that getting outside your comfort zone can yield amazing returns. Go out of your way to be kind to others and watch doors of opportunity open up.

Numerology Resources

If you would like to know more about what life’s journey has for you and what numbers you should be closely following and acknowledging, check out the video below for additional guidance.

Don’t wait another day wondering what your life is meant for. If you feel like you’re meant for great things, do what you can to find out more about it.

FREE Numerology Report

For a more detailed and in-depth content regarding numerology and what numbers are especially pertinent to you click here now for your free report.

Comment below your thoughts and experiences. I would love to hear about how you’ve used your angel numbers to move forward in your life. Inspiration is a powerful motivator so sharing your experiences benefits us all.