Angel Number 13 – Do Hills Stand In Your Way?

Angel Number 13 is considered a lucky number in some cultures.

Similar to angel number 666, angel number 13 has been twisted and corrupted by the entertainment industry. If you keep seeing the number 13, you are not cursed, nor are you doomed.

You may be surprised that while some countries deem the number 13 to be unlucky, some countries, particularly in the East consider the number 13 to be lucky.

Meaning of Number 13 & Fridays

The vibrations of the angel number 1 and 3 make up the effects of the 13.

If you live in any western civilization you’ve no doubt heard of “Friday the 13th.” Supposedly, this is the unluckiest day of the year. Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number 13, and some people are seriously affected by it. Those affected are sometimes unable to go to their jobs, do any kind of travel, or leave their house, for fear of something bad happening to them. If you live in Italy, Friday the 17th is considered an unlucky day.

But what if 13 was actually a lucky number. For example, 13 is a prime number and can only be divisible by one and itself. Therefore it is considered one of the more complete numbers. In Greek mythology, Zeus was the 13th and most powerful gods, so the number 13 represents total power and control over one’s fate.

The vibrations of one and three give you the total vibration of 13.

Vibrations of 1 and 3 Angel Number

Number 1 – signifies independence, strength, comfort in oneself. It also signifies determination and ambition. Ones are very career-driven and will make sacrifices to achieve their goals. They tend to have an air of confidence as they want to be successful, appreciated and highly valued. They try to multitask and get as much done in a short period of time as possible. Since 1 represents firsts, you will do whatever is in your power to be number one. You will have an internal competitive drive and you’ll set high standards for yourself. You have the ability to think outside the box and will find creative solutions to problems or obstacles you’re faced with.

Number 3 – signifies a tremendous amount of creativity and willingness to try new things. Threes tend to be very social, are open to new relationships and tend to enjoy the present. They usually stand out and carry a warm face and warm smile. They commonly give compliments to others, and if they get upset, it’s a short-lived feeling. You enjoy expression and emotion. You love to inspire others and remind them of their good qualities and you serve as an excellent counselor or social worker. Putting people at ease and making them feel comfortable is a skill you exceed at.

Meaning of Number 13

The vibrations of these two combined indicate that life may present you with obstacles or hills you need to climb. While some people only want an easy path in life you need to know that you should take your hills head-on. Don’t try to go around them, because they will define you. Life is full of hills, and if you’re constantly looking for the easy way out, you won’t achieve any long-term goals. If life were easy we would all be riding around in fancy sports cars and walking the beach with no bodyfat.

Anybody that has ever achieved anything worth fighting for has encountered and overcome struggles. All of life is and needs to be a struggle. If you are given everything you want in life you’re likely to become lazy, selfish, and fake. The struggles we endure are the building blocks of the person you are today. Undoubtedly, you’ve listened to famous actors or professional athletes discuss struggling before they got to where they are.

Personal Growth Through Adversity

Life will be full of hills and obstacles, but you'll be stronger for it.
Personal Development

Seeing the number 13 represents personal growth and achievement. Know that while you may face difficult times or decisions, there can be a silver lining in the future. You should be decisive and act affirmatively to get what you want. The angel numbers 13 is telling you to use your instinct and vision to persevere.

If you could manifest your own destiny, would you do it? Of course, you would. The power of positive thoughts will assist you. It’s easy to let doubts creep into your mind and to assume the worst. An attitude of gratitude will help you overcome any turmoil you may encounter. Your guardian angels are reminding you to keep a strong mind and when faced with difficulties, stay strong and keep your focus on the long-term goals.

What you need to understand is that adversity has a way of introducing a person to themselves. Are you the kind of person to overcome obstacles and achieve your personal and financial goals? Or are you the kind of person that gives up when the going gets tough?

Angelic Realm Communication

Seeing the number 13 is communication from your angels motivating you and encouraging you to continue working. It may seem like your back is against that wall and you’ve got nothing but headwinds. At this point, you need to dig deep and march forward. Have no fear, your angels will not let you fail.

If you see the 13 angel number while consistently thinking about the same topic, your angel’s message is related to that thought. Your angels know of the challenges your facing. Be rest assured that if you’re currently facing dark days, the light is just on the horizon.

Do everything you can to remove all the negative energy in your life, so that you can focus on the positive. Your life will be filled with good things and bad things. Your angels what you to live a full life filled with love and kindness.

Remember that the number 13 will not bring bad luck. But it does indicate that trying times may be ahead of you. Keep in mind that “good luck” is when preparation meets opportunity. If you are constantly seeing the number thirteen and are prepared for whatever life may throw at you, you can turn any bad situation into a positive outcome. Be excited to start new chapters in your life. New chapters bring growth, and with growth comes fulfillment and understanding.

Having basic knowledge of numerology and your angel number will assist you in overcoming any of life’s obstacles. Get a FREE reading here to see what the angels are trying to specifically tell you.

Comment below on where you see the number 13 presenting itself.