Numerology 22, A Master Number

In numerology, all of the calculations are dwindled down to one number. For example, if you are finding your life path number and it adds up to 35, then it becomes 3+5=8. However, with a life path number of 22 or numerology 22, this is called a master number. Having a master number as your life number, or being in a relationship with a master number, the cosmos vibrations are much stronger.

To add the cherry on top, if you’re a master number 22 and you were born on the 22nd of the month, this really ups the significance. If this is you, you are and will be a significant person in this world. The angels and universe have blessed you with incredible strengths and fortitude.

Life Path 22

A 22/4 is the master number 22. The double 2’s indicates this person has a great understanding of others and those they love. They have great intuition and may come across as being indifferent. However, on the inside, they deeply care about the on-goings of those around them. They often give unsolicited opinions and set high standards for themselves and for those they care for. They only want the best for their friends and family and they know that in life you have to work hard to get the things you desire most. If you’re in a relationship with a 22, they will speak their mind, but they do it because they care.

The life path number 22 is considered one of, if not THE number in numerology. A numerology 22 is all about achieving their dreams in a strategic way. Nothing will stop them from accomplishing their goals. This drive and ambition can be a blessing and a curse. While it will drive them to be at the pinnacle of life, there is sometimes a voice in their head that says, this is not enough. You can do better and more. This constant, “I can do more” attitude keeps them in perpetual motion and has them wanting to do more for the world.

As you can imagine, life as a master number contains a greater amount of stress compared to other numbers. If you’re attached or are a master number yourself, physical exercise and mediation should be maintained. Physical exercise should be done 3-4 times per week and meditation should be done daily and preferably in the morning. Yoga would be an excellent activity as it combines exercise and a meditative element.

A numerology 22 needs to understand that if they hold their anxiety or stress inside without taking care of it, they can become physically and mentally ill. Putting thoughts to paper before going to bed can help with restless sleep.

Take It Slow

Numerology 22, is a master number that will benefit you to no end.
Enjoy The Journey

Everybody is in a big hurry to be somewhere these days. We are bombarded with information and our attention spans have shrunk exponentially over the past decade. Realizing and understanding your full potential will not come easy and it will not come as the snap of your fingers. Time and experience play a vital piece in mastering your life as a numerology 22. With the inherent pressure, you already place on yourself, combined with being in a hurry, will almost spiral your life out of control. Anything worth fighting hard for is worth having. There will come a time when a sort of epiphany or realization dawns on you that you’re living up to your master number.

Bottom line is, a 22 will do great things with their life. They need to take it slow and let their wisdom, experience and time pass to ultimately reach their potential. Find outlets for the stress and mental hardship you put on yourself. You will need your friends and a great love interest to help you achieve your greatness!

You are just one click away from realizing your full potential and seeing what your master number will do for you >>click here.

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  1. Pingback: 2222 Angel Numbers - Learn What Special Message It Carries For You

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